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Get access to all latest news in a summarised manner via Shortpedia

There is no scarcity of news applications in modern times. But, there is certainly dearth news apps, which can serve actual news with facts presented in the most honest fashion. And, Shortpedia comes to fulfill that void in the most accomplishing fashion.

Shortpedia is a unique concept that serves news in a summarised fashion. Keeping the news precise tells many things. First of all, there remains lesser scope using spicy languages to stretch up things. In addition, you can’t spread propaganda when you speak in less number of words. Some news app, or the regular news app one can say, they mostly elaborate things in a lengthy fashion driving various angles from the news. They do such things for different reasons; either to fulfill their political intention, to look distinguishing for the readers, or simply to stay ahead of the competition. But, a real news reader suffers through this entire marketing gimmick as he has to waste a lot of time for getting the real news. In fact, in many occasions, these people have to remain totally ignorant about the real news.

However, Shortpedia can be very much assuring for the users on this context. Here the news is delivered in the most honest fashion, using the right words and keeping it precise as possible. Moreover, Shorpedia covers all segments of news, starting from politics, technology, business, entertainment, sports, religion, fashion, science, and all others. It means the user simply needs to visit the specific section and collect the news in the most updated fashion, straight through the smartphone news apps in the most reliable way.

In short, Shorpedia makes things easy for people those who want real news straight over their phone, in the most unbiased fashion. Making things even more interesting for the news enthusiasts, Shortpedia can provide news in your own language as well. One can read the news in any of his/her preferred language, of the same quality and immediately as possible.