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8 Things to Do in Self-Quarantine That Are More Productive Than Netflix.

1. Be kind.

These ideas are in no particular order, however, this one may be one of the most important during a crisis. When you’re isolated, it can be easy to become bitter and angry or to be more selfish and look out for only yourself. We’ve already seen it with the incredible hoarding of supplies by people who took much more than they needed, leaving little to no essentials for others. Practice kindness on a daily basis, home alone, or not. 

2. Read a book.

How often have you said you wanted to read more, but you didn’t have the time? On the bright side of all of this, you’ve just been granted nothing but time! So set aside a block of it each day to read a book.

3. Meditate and/or pray.

The benefits of dedicating time to meditation or prayer are numerous and have been proven in studies over and over again. Start small by dedicating 15 minutes to not looking at your phone or giving in to any other distraction. Meditation is one practice that you can really improve on with your extra time and, with the benefits, you will see in your life, you might just want to continue when things get back to normal.

4.. Learn a new skill.

The business world is rapidly changing and new skills are needed constantly, but it can be nearly impossible to learn something new while you’re just trying to keep your head above water at work. So take that online class, practice your video editing skills, or start learning a foreign language now.

5. Exercise at home.

Going to the gym may not be a great option right now, and you may not have exercise equipment or dumbbells at home. Don’t worry, though, because there are plenty of ways to stay in shape without weights. Browse YouTube for workout videos, or join an online fitness community. If you have an Apple Watch or a Fitbit, challenge friends to an activity competition, so you still have accountability.

6. Do a brain-stimulating activity.

It’s just as important to exercise your mind as it is your body. Watching TV and scrolling on your phone do the opposite, and the mindless activity can even make you feel depressed and anxious. So break out that big puzzle you’ve been putting off, play a board game with your family, or find some brain games online or in the App Store to stay sharp and boost your mental energy.

7. Practice self-discipline.

There are many different ways self-discipline can manifest itself, but this is key: Go to bed on time, and wake up early. Waking up early and getting the blood flowing with a home workout, then focusing your mind through prayer or meditation and eating a good breakfast (sans laptop) will allow you to attack your workday and be at your sharpest when the job calls for it.

8. Limit your social media intake.

Social media stokes outrage in people, and outrage is addictive, but it’s not good for you. Being stuck at home can take a toll on your mental health, and engaging in conversations designed to make you angry, or afraid, is not going to benefit you.