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Amazing Facts About Indian Army That Will Make You Proud

Amazing Facts About Indian Army That Will Make You Proud

1. India controls the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 meters above Mean Sea Level.

2. India has the biggest volunteer army in the world.

3. Indian army is considered the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare.

4. In the Battle of Longewala, on which the famous Bollywood movie ‘Border’ is based, there were only two casualties on the Indian side.

5. Indian Army’s Opereation Rahat (2013) was one of the biggest civilian rescue operations ever carried out in the world.

6. The Indian Army has a horsed cavalry regiment, one of the last three remaining of such regiments in the world.

7. The Indian Army built the highest altitude bridge in the world, the Bailey Bridge.

8. Indian Army is the third biggest military contingent in the world next to USA and China.