Shortpedia Blog

Some serious issues that need to be discussed and solved by the Indian citizen and government

1. Domestic Violence
1,477 complaints of domestic violence were reported by women between March 25 and May 31, 2020.

2. The Healthcare System of India
With one government allopathic doctor per 11,808 population, one government hospital bed per 1,844 population and one state-run hospital for every 55,591 population, India’s healthcare system is not being able to cope with the burden.

3. Increase in Suicide Rates
In India, one person died by suicide every four minutes in 2019. According to the NCRB data, the number of people dying by suicides increased by 3.4% between 2018 and 2019.

4. India and China Border Standoff
The movement of around 200 Chinese troops towards Indian territory was detected on the midnight of August 29th.

5. No Question Hours in Parliament Session
In Parliament history, this would be the first time that there will be no Question Hour during the upcoming Monsoon session.