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4 Ways To Prevent Porn Eye During Coronavirus

1. Set up computer screens that are about 18-30 inches away from where you are sitting and make sure it is in the correct position ie the top of the screen should be in line with eye level.

2. Balance the brightness of the computer screen to that of the room and make sure there is no glare on the screen. Once you have the screen taken care of ensure that your environment is not the culprit. To do so, make sure that light does not shine directly on your screen by adjusting your lights in the room and adjusting the window blinds.

3. Take time away from the screen and blink purposefully. If you experience dry eyes, use a humidifier to add additional moisture in the air. Also ensure that your eyes are lubricated and if needed, take appropriate eye drops.

4. Clean your computer screen regularly to prevent the build-up of dust. A clear screen ensures better visibility and reduces stress on the eyes.