redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

Redheads do not age.

redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

Red hair never greys; instead, it fades to white via rose gold when the time comes.

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Did you Know? Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal lenses

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Australia is home to all three types of mammals.

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How is spirituality expressed?

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Male Gynecologists Have a Difficult Time Finding Work.

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Teletubbyland's Rabbits Were Also Large.

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The Museum once had a ‘Cabinet of Obscene Objects’


A fun fact about Chihuahuas: celebrities adore them.


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.

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The size of a fairyfly

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Did you Know? A Happy Heart is a Healthy Heart

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Did you Know? Modern Warfare Was The First M Rated Call Of Duty Game

chronic smoking

In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.

cashew seeds

The cashew tree's fruit is an accessory fruit or fake fruit.

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The first agricultural field plowed

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

When they crave blood or sex, lobsters notably urinate out of their faces.

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Anaximenes Of Miletus (c.586-c.526 BCE)

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Hernias come in a variety of forms.

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Queen Victoria wasn’t supposed to be queen

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Malleus Maleficarum: the witch-hunting manual that became the gospel of every witch-hunter.

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Do you know about the folktale of Botan Dōrō?

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Deserts Of Egypt..have you heard about it?

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McDonald's once attempted to offer bubblegum-flavored broccoli in an attempt to persuade children to eat healthier.

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Did you Know? Japan is mostly mountains

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

Noah Webster studied 26 languages in order to write his dictionary.