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Fun Fact! You can even bathe in the coffee!

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

There is a spa in Japan where you can bathe in coffee, as well as wine, tea, and other beverages! Bathing in coffee is said to have recharging, relaxing, and skin beautifying properties.

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Did you Know? Some people only dream in black and white.

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Fun Fact! Witches Weren't Actually Burned at the Stake In Salem

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Fun Fact! In the 1300s, it officially became a holiday associated with love.

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You wouldn't Know! Many terms in the Japanese language are untranslatable.

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People tend to look for the things that conform the things they already believe.

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Fun Fact! The human attention span is shorter than that of goldfish

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Fun yet Serious Fact! Ice cravings are a sign of iron insufficiency.

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Fun Fact! In Hungary, clinking glasses is frowned upon.

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Fun Fact! Sharp knives are more dangerous than dull blades.

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Communication with friends is good for men's health.

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"I love you" has a more emotional effect when it is whispered into the left year.

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Myth Busted! Fact! Humans can't multitask!

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Did you Know? Men and Women dream different!

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Fun Fact! Women hate taking risks.

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Fun Facts! One man was said to have fought on all sides of the conflict.

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The Mayo Clinic created glow-in-the-dark cats while seeking to discover a treatment for AIDS.

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In space, it is impossible to burp.

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Fun Fact! Most individuals lean their heads to one side during kissing.

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Fun Fact! George Washington Never Had Wooden Teeth

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Fun Fact! There are more Bourbon barrels in Kentucky than people.

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Fact! Colors can play trick on your mind.

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Fun Fact! Valentine's Day has its roots in an ancient Pagan festival.

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Fun Fact! Total Number Of iPhone Sold

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People with brain impairment may develop a "joke addiction."

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology , Pygmal

Greater expectations can lead to better performance and better results, while the lower expectation can lead to a low performance.