Prepare for quiz night with a slew of unexpected, amazing facts that will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about the universe. To some, what is worthless information is wonderful, incredible entertaining facts that make the world more exciting and awe-inspiring. Are you one of those persons who is an expert at gathering unexpected bits of information? If so, be ready to have your mind blown by these fascinating, entertaining facts that will surprise both adults and children.

Facts about New York, New York Facts, New York

Fun Fact! New York speaks more than 800 languages.

greece facts, facts about greece, greek islands, greek facts, facts about greeks, greece islands

Did you Know? Greece is made up of thousands of islands

Facts about Hinduism, Hinduism Facts, Hinduism

Hinduism isn't the accurate name of the religion.

Facts about Hinduism, Hinduism Facts, Hinduism

The Holy river Ganga has her bodyguard too!

mona lisa, france facts, facts about france, louvre, louvre facts, eiffel tower facts, facts about e

Did you Know? The Eiffel Tower is not the most visited monument in Paris

mona lisa, france facts, facts about france, louvre, louvre facts,

Did you Know? The Louvre is the world’s biggest art museum

Uzbekistan facts, Facts about Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a Doubly Landlocked Country.

Lohri facts, Facts about Lohri, Indian Festivals

Lohri is the longest night of the year.

Lohri Facts, Facts about Lohri, Indian Festivals

Lohri marks the end of winter season.

Lohri Facts, Facts about Lohri

True Fact! Lohri is a harvesting festival.

Facts about Lohri, Lohri Facts

The new financial year called Maghi begins just after Lohri

Lohri facts, facts about lohri

The word Lohri has come from the combination of til and rorhi.

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Fun Fact! Libyan Tea Is As Thick As Black Syrup

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Did you Know? The Highest Mountain In Libya Is Bette Peak

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Did you Know? Libya’s City Of Cyrene Was Part Of The Ancient Greek Empire

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Fun Fact! Muammar Gaddafi Was Libya’s Longest-Serving Leader

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Did you Know? Libya Imports 75% to 80% Of Its Food

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Fun Fact! Libya Has Had Only One King In Its Lifetime

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The Libyan Desert Is Known For Going For Decades Without Rain

libya, libya facts, facts about libya, libyans, ruler of libya, libya independence, fun facts about

Historically, Libya Was Divided Into Only 3 Regions Namely Fezzan, Tripolitania, And Cyrenaica

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libya is Home To The Largest Proven Oil Reserves In Africa

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? An 11-year-old girl gave Pluto its name

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Fun Fact! The atmosphere of the sun is hotter than tits surface.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Did you Know? The different parts of the sun rotate at different speeds.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Did you Know! The sun has layers.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Did you Know? The sun is heating up and will kill all life on earth

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Fun Fact! The Sun is Middle Aged.