Prepare for quiz night with a slew of unexpected, amazing facts that will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about the universe. To some, what is worthless information is wonderful, incredible entertaining facts that make the world more exciting and awe-inspiring. Are you one of those persons who is an expert at gathering unexpected bits of information? If so, be ready to have your mind blown by these fascinating, entertaining facts that will surprise both adults and children.

Earthquake, Earthquake facts, Earthquake strength, strongest Earthquake

Fact! An Earthquake of Magnitude 12 Would Split the Earth in Half

Earth, Earth facts, Earth fact, day time, day facts, day night facts

Fun yet a Fact! The days are becoming longer.

Irukandji, Irukandji jellyfish, australian Irukandji, Irukandji sting

Warning! Don't Ever Get Stung by this Jellyfish

coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Coffee is one of the most commonly utilised recreational substances that we are aware of.

sonic, sonic facts, sonic full name, sonic facts, sonic speed, Sonic the Hedgehog's

Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog is Sonic the Hedgehog's full name.

friends, friends sitcom, friends show, ross, rachel, joey, monica, chandler, phoebe, friends facts,

Although the TV sitcom "Friends" is set in New York City, the whole series was shot in California.

hollow earth, hollow earth facts, life inside earth

Fun Fact! There is Life beneath the ocean bed

Snow leopards, Snow leopards facts, Snow leopards roar

Fun Fact! Snow leopards do not roar.

Axolotls, Axolotls facts, Axolotls fact, Axolotls regenaration

Fun Fact! Axolotls have the ability to regrow their components.

flea facts, flea speed, flea speed facts, flea acceleration

A flea can outperform the Space Shuttle in terms of acceleration.

sea horses, seahorses, seahorses facts, seahorses reproduction

Did you Know? Seahorses reproduce in an unusual method.

bears, bears bite, grizzly bears, grizzly bears bite, grizzly bears facts

The bite of a grizzly bear is powerful enough to destroy a bowling ball.

man of steel, human facts, bones facts, human bones, bone vs steel, man of steel facts, human bones,

Did you Know? Your bones are more durable than steel.

Ghost crabs, Ghost crabs facts, Ghost crabs fact, Ghost crabs growl, crab facts, crab fact

Did you Know? Ghost crabs grumble using their stomach teeth.

mantis shrimp, mantis shrimp punch, fastest punch, mantis shrimp facts, mantis shrimp fact, mantis s

Fun Fact! The mantis shrimp packs the quickest punch in the world.

youtube, youtube stats, youtube facts, youtube traffic, youtube fact, youtube viewers,

Did you Know? YouTube drives the most engaged traffic of any social media site.

dior, Christian Dior, dior facts, Christian Dior sunglasses, Christian Dior fact. Christian Dior fir

Dior was the first brand to get in the designing and manufacturing of sun glasses.

glow in dark, anglerfish, bioluminescent, glow in dark humans, glow in dark human, human facts

Did you Know? Humans have a faint glow in the dark.

stomach, stomach facts, human body facts, facts about human body

Fun Fact! Your stomach is always digesting itself.

moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin,

Did you Know? The footsteps of the Apollo astronauts on the moon will most likely remain there for at least 100 million years.

eyesight, human vision, human vision facts, candle facts, human vision fact, eyes facts, memory fact

Fact! People see information more clearly when it is printed on paper.

fun fact, appendix, appendix operation, appendix fact

Fun Fact! The appendix is useful.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts, humans, lying facts, lying,

When people have to go to the restroom, they lie more convincingly.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts, kissing, kissing facts, kiss facts, kiss

Fun Fact! Most individuals lean their heads to one side during kissing.

monday, sad monday, monday facts, tiring monday, why monday

Fun Fact, yet Dangerous! Mondays are the most common days for heart attacks.

human body facts, human facts, atoms facts, human, slugs, slugs dna

Did you Know? Humans and slugs have many characteristics.

Botox, Botox side effects, Botox advantages, Botox facts

Did you Know? Botox removes a person's ability to feel emotions.