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Fun Fact! It is Far Better to Face the Bullets in the First World War...

world war 1, world war 1 uk, world war 1 facts, world war 1 fact, world war 1 tanks, world war facts

More than 65 million individuals volunteered or were compelled to fight in citizen armies. Millions of civilians also helped the war effort by working in industry, agriculture, or positions that were left available when men enrolled. Victory was contingent on public backing. Some nations were compelled to surrender because their people, having been pushed to their physical and mental limitations, lost the desire to fight. The First World War was also a civil war. Invading armies carried out crimes against citizens in the places they seized. Attacks on civilians grew more widespread as each nation sought to undermine its adversaries' domestic morale and reduce popular support for the war. Propaganda demonised whole nations a

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