Interesting Facts About World

greece facts, facts about greece, greek islands, greek facts, facts about greeks, greece islands

Did you Know? Greece is the biggest producer of Olives

greece facts, facts about greece, greek islands, greek facts, facts about greeks, greece islands

Fun Fact! Democracy was born in Greece

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Fun Fact! Papua New Guinea has 5% of global biodiversity

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Interestingly! Spain boasts 47 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

spain, facts about spain, spain facts, spainish facts, spainish food, spainish language, spain girls

Fun Fact! Spain is a very sunny country

eu, facts about eu, eu facts, european union, european union facts, facts about european union, coun

Did you Know? The EU’s second-largest country is...

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Fun Fact! Moldova is the second booziest nation on Earth

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Interestingly! Moldova has a critically endangered language

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Did you Know? There are some magnificent monasteries in Moldova

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Did you Know? OM is the sound of Universe

Facts about Romania, Romania Facts, Romania

Bucharest boasts one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.

Facts about Romania, Romania Facts, Romania

Romania is the surprising birthplace of good coffee

Facts about New York, New York facts, New York

Did you Know? The 'Big Apple' has an unusual story.

Facts about New York, New York Facts, LGBT

New York is the birthplace of LGBTQ and American Rights.

Facts about New York, New York Facts, New York, Pizzeria facts

Did you Know? The first Pizzeria in USA opened in New York.

Facts about New York, New York Facts, New York

Fun Fact! New York speaks more than 800 languages.

Interesting facts about New York, New York Facts, New York

Did you Know? The Grand Central Terminal has whispering galleries.

greece facts, facts about greece, greek islands, greek facts, facts about greeks, greece islands

Did you Know? Greece is made up of thousands of islands

Facts about Ethiopia, Ethiopia Facts

Did you Know? Ethiopian time is quite distinct

Ethiopia Facts, Facts about Ethiopia

In Ethiopia there are Thirteen months to the year

French Army, French Army facts, Facts about French Army, France Facts, Facts about France

French came up with the military “dress code”

Paris facts, facts about Paris, Paris, Europe

Second-busiest underground network in Europe is in paris

Frech Army, Facts about France, France Facts, Facts about French Army, French Army Facts

The French army still use carrier pigeons

.Tom Cruise, Facts about Tom Cruise, Tom Cruise Facts

Parisians declined Tom Cruise’s request for becoming an honorary citizen