The world (indeed, the cosmos) is a strange, bizarre, and intriguing place. We've got interesting facts galore, about cuisine, animals, geography, famous people and inventions, and everything in between. And, while these facts are unique and cool, if they aren't strange enough for you, we have many more unusual facts. If you're searching for a few (or more) nuggets of odd information to share with your pals or improve your own armory of knowledge.

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libya is Home To The Largest Proven Oil Reserves In Africa

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? There are floating hills on Pluto

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Fun Fact! Disney’s Pluto the dog was named after the former planet

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

New Horizons, the first vessel devoted to studying Pluto’s environment, is the size of a grand piano

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? Pluto has a heart shape on its surface

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006–but not for the commonly believed reason

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Scientists discovered the Solar System’s third zone because of Pluto

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? Pluto was first discovered by a young research assistant in 1930

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Did you Know? An 11-year-old girl gave Pluto its name

pluto, pluto facts, facts about pluto, pluto discovery, pluto fact, space facts, pluto name, pluto h

Pluto is smaller than Earth’s moon but larger than previously thought

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Fun Fact! The atmosphere of the sun is hotter than tits surface.

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Did you Know? The different parts of the sun rotate at different speeds.

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Did you Know! The sun has layers.

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Did you Know? The sun is heating up and will kill all life on earth

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Fun Fact! The Sun is Middle Aged.

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Did you Know? Ladakh has moon like surface

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Fun Fact! Ladakh is a land of thousand festivities

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Did you Know? Sun is mostly of hydrogen and helium

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Fun Fact! Gravity fails in Ladakh

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Did you Know? "Ladakh has the highest bridge in the world"

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Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the rare twin-humped Bactrian camels

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Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the fascinating Kung Fu nuns

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Fun Fact! Ladakh has the largest telescope in Asia.

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Did you Know? Brazil is South America's biggest and the world's fifth largest country.

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Fun Fact! Brazil is the The largest Latin American country

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Did you Know? Brazil is the home to world's second longest river

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Did you Know? Brazil is Eclectic and Diverse