The world (indeed, the cosmos) is a strange, bizarre, and intriguing place. We've got interesting facts galore, about cuisine, animals, geography, famous people and inventions, and everything in between. And, while these facts are unique and cool, if they aren't strange enough for you, we have many more unusual facts. If you're searching for a few (or more) nuggets of odd information to share with your pals or improve your own armory of knowledge.

blue eyes,

According to research, all blue-eyed humans are linked.

blue whale heart, blue whale heart facts

A blue whale's heartbeat may be heard from two kilometers away.

moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin, nasa, moon base, nasa moon base

NASA is planning to establish a base camp on the moon.

moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin,

Every year, the moon travels away from the Earth by roughly 3.8 cm.

moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin,

More humanity may be buried on the moon in the future.

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The full moon of each month has its own name.

 moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin, dark side of moon,

China is the only country to have landed on the moon's dark side.

space, space facts, space fact, fun facts, fun facts space

To match the brightness of the sun, around 400,000 moons would be required.

space, space facts, space fact, fun facts, fun facts space, un, moon, moon facts, un facts,  Outer S

To "govern" the moon, the United Nations has an Outer Space Treaty.

space, space facts, space fact, fun facts, fun facts space, moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts

The moon formed as a consequence of cosmic debris colliding with Earth.

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Small dogs have a wider range of hearing than large dogs.

dogs, dogs facts, dog vision, dog fun facts, fun facts about dogs, dogs hearing, dogs facts

Did you Know? Dogs do not experience guilt.

dogs, dogs facts, dog vision, dog fun facts, fun facts about dogs, dogs hearing, dogs facts

Did you Know? Dogs can assist their owners in living longer lives.

Washington, george Washington, george Washington whiskey, Washington whiskey,

Following his presidency, George Washington established a whiskey distillery.

turkey, turkey facts, turkey fact, mayan facts, turkey recipe

Did you Know? Turkeys Were Once Worshipped as if they Were Gods

napolean, napolean facts, napolean fact, napolean bunnies, bunny facts, bunny fact

Napoleon was once ambushed by a swarm of bunnies.

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The Longest someone has gone without sleep is 11 days and 25 minutes

human heart, human heart music, x chromosome, y chromosome

Did you Know? Men and Women see red color differently

pink color, pink color facts, pink facts, pink effects, pink meaning,

Pink soothes the nerves and is used for anger management

red color, red color facts, red color wavelength, red color facts, red facts, red meaning

Fun Fact! Red is the first color a baby sees

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Did you Know? Reading Protects from Prison

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Did you Know? Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine

reading, reading facts, reading habit, reading fact, habitual reading, speed reading

Fast Reading Helps to Protect the Eyes

love facts, love, love facts

People At The Same Level Of Attractiveness Are More Likely To End Up Together

reading, reading facts, reading habit, reading fact, habitual reading

Did you Know? Habitual Reading Makes You Kinder

language, language facts, language evolution

Did you Know? Language is thought to have originated circa 100,000 BC.

reading, reading facts, alzheimer facts, reading habit

Reading can help in the prevention of Alzheimers