Amazing Facts Of India

constitution, constitution upsc, upsc polity, facts about constitution, constitution facts, fun fact

Did you Know? BR Ambedkar was unhappy with the constitution

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Hinduism is the only religion that does not involve the conversion.

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Amazingly! Yoga plays an important role in Hinduism.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Did you Know? Hinduism believes in Karma.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Interestingly! 108 is considered as a sacred number in Hinduism.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Interestingly! Vedas are the oldest known scriptures in the world.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Did you Know? The Kumbh Mela is a gathering that can be seen from the space.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Did you Know? OM is the sound of Universe

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Did you Know? Hinduism states that God has many forms.

Facts about Hinduism, Hinduism Facts, Hinduism

Hinduism isn't the accurate name of the religion.

Facts about Hinduism, Hinduism Facts, Hinduism

The Holy river Ganga has her bodyguard too!

Lohri facts, Facts about Lohri, Indian Festivals

Lohri is the longest night of the year.

Lohri Facts, Facts about Lohri, Indian Festivals

Lohri marks the end of winter season.

Lohri Facts, Facts about Lohri

True Fact! Lohri is a harvesting festival.

Facts about Lohri, Lohri Facts

The new financial year called Maghi begins just after Lohri

Lohri facts, facts about lohri

The word Lohri has come from the combination of til and rorhi.

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Fun Fact! Ladakh is a land of thousand festivities

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Did you Know? Ladakh has moon like surface

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Fun Fact! Gravity fails in Ladakh

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Did you Know? "Ladakh has the highest bridge in the world"

ladakh, ladakh facts, facts about ladakh, about ladakh, ladakh fact, ladakh travel, travel ladakh, l

Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the fascinating Kung Fu nuns

ladakh, ladakh facts, facts about ladakh, about ladakh, ladakh fact, ladakh travel, travel ladakh, l

Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the rare twin-humped Bactrian camels

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Fun Fact! Ladakh has the largest telescope in Asia.

silk, silk production, indian silk, indian silk fact,

Did you Know? India is second largest silk producer in the world

Jana Gana Man, indian national anthem, national anthem, Jana Gana Man facts, Jana Gana Man written

Did you Know? Jana Gana Man was first sun in 1911

Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter Parker, Meera Jain, Auntie Maya, Uncle Ben, indian spiderman, spiderman indi

Did you Know? Spiderman debuted in India in 2004.

North Sentinel Island, Sentinel Island, Sentinelese, forbidden island, Sentinel Island facts,

North Sentinel Island is one of the world's few "unspoiled" areas.