The world (indeed, the cosmos) is a strange, bizarre, and intriguing place. We've got interesting facts galore, about cuisine, animals, geography, famous people and inventions, and everything in between. And, while these facts are unique and cool, if they aren't strange enough for you, we have many more unusual facts. If you're searching for a few (or more) nuggets of odd information to share with your pals or improve your own armory of knowledge.

einstein, einstein brain, einstein death

When Einstein died, his brain was stolen.

white chocolate, chocolate facts,

White chocolate is not real chocolate.

chicken facts, chicken, chicken memory

Chickens have excellent memories and can recognize over 100 different faces.

chicken, chicken vision

Chickens have excellent color vision.

tongue, tongue facts, human body facts, average tongue

The Average Tongue is about 3 inches long.

tongue, tongue facts, human body facts, average tongue, fat tongue

Even the Tongue can get Fat.

Hitler facts, Hitler bio, adolf Hitler, world war facts, german facts, nobel prize facts

Adolf Hitler received a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.