white chocolate, chocolate facts,

White chocolate is not real chocolate.

white chocolate, chocolate facts,

We generally know about the two chocolates, i.e., white chocolate and dark chocolate. But the white chocolate is not the real chocolate, you believe it or not, but it's a fact. As white chocolate does not contain any chocolate liquor or cocoa solids such as milk or dark chocolate. However, white chocolate does contain a small number of cocoa beans.

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Uzbekistan contains UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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We still only know a fraction of the marine species in our oceans.

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In Ethiopia there are Thirteen months to the year

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Bananas contain radioactive elements.

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Fun Fact! Largest shrinking lake is in Uzbekistan

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In Uzbekistan, there is a formal protocol for pouring tea

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Interestingly! Mount Hoverla is Ukraine's highest peak.

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"In Search of Lost Time" is the Longest Novel ever Created

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Fact! Crackers can give you cavities faster than the candies

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Fun Fact! Ukraine is Europe's least expensive travel destination.

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The terracotta army is described as "the Eighth Wonder of the World".

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The most widely spoken language on the islands is not Andamanese or Nicobarese

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While there were still mammoths on the globe, the pyramids of Giza were being erected.

Uzbekistan facts, Facts about Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is The World’s 56th Largest Country

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Mexico's presidential residence is 14 times larger than the White House and officially welcomed tourists in 2018.

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North Sentinel Island is home to one of the most isolated paleolithic tribes of the world

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Interestingly! Black Sea is an earthquake hot zone

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There’s An Intergovernmental Arctic Forum.

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Did you Know? Japan is home to the world's deepest undersea postbox.

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youngest and oldest competitors in the competition

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The number four is extremely unlucky

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Interestingly! Moldova has a critically endangered language