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Fun Fact! Most individuals lean their heads to one side during kissing.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts, kissing, kissing facts, kiss facts, kiss

When kissing, 70% of individuals turn their heads to the right. A German scientist who was monitoring kissing couples in airports, train stations, and beaches came to this conclusion. Perhaps this head posture is related to being right-handed.

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Fun Fact! There are more Bourbon barrels in Kentucky than people.

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Fact! 62-90% of first impression is due to colour.

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Fun Fact! You can even bathe in the coffee!

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Communication with friends is good for men's health.

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Fun Fact! Male babies can get erections in the womb.

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Did you Know? There is an annual coffee break festival

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Fun Fact! Throughout the comic books, Superman dies several times.

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Fun Fact! There are real "walking dead".

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Fun Fact! The secret of 9:41 and iPhone

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Fun Fact! Tired loosing weight? Try Pluto

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People who appear younger than they are, Enjoy longer lives.

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Fun Fact! Russia has a Military Disneyland

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Fun Fact! There is a Batman University Course.

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Why is there so much hype for the iPhone?

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Fun Fact! Forgetting makes you intelligent.

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Fun Fact! Dunce caps used to be signs of intelligence

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Fun Fact! People will go to great lengths to obey an authority figure.

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Fun Facts! One man was said to have fought on all sides of the conflict.

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Fun Fact! Italy is one of Western Europe's youngest countries

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Fun Fact! There is only one place that serves alcohol in Disneyland