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Fun Fact! Spain has below-average high school qualifications

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Official statistics show that over half of all persons up to the age of 64 have the equivalent of a high school graduation, significantly below the OECD average of nearly 75%. Younger generations, on the other hand, are defying the trend, with 65 percent of millennials obtaining the certificate — and the number is climbing.

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We can only remember three or four things at a time.

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Fun Fact! We have same number of hair as Chimpanzee.

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Fun Fact! There is a Batman University Course.

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On a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet, the earliest "your mom" joke was uncovered.

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When people have to go to the restroom, they lie more convincingly.

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Fun Fact! Egyptians did believe in afterlife

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Fun Fact! For 20 years a cat served as mayor of Alaskan town

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Did you Know? Some people only dream in black and white.

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Fun Fact! Valentine's Day has its roots in an ancient Pagan festival.

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Fun Fact! Cinderella's slippers were originally made out of fur.

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Fun Fact! We want to breach additional rules when one looks too stringent.