humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Fun Fact! People will go to great lengths to obey an authority figure.

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

To obey authority figures, people will go to great, and sometimes dangerous, lengths. Stanley Milgram, a psychologist, discovered in his famous obedience experiments that people would be willing to deliver a potentially fatal electrical shock to another person if the experimenters ordered them to.

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Fun Fact! For 20 years a cat served as mayor of Alaskan town

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To avoid Edison's patents, Hollywood relocated from New York to Los Angeles.

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Fun Fact! George Washington Never Had Wooden Teeth

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Fun Fact! Fear may be pleasurable if we are not in imminent danger.

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Fun Fact! The Wright Brothers did not attend college.

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Fun Fact! Brains of Boys are designed by different architects.

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Did you Know? Russians Believe in a plethora of superstitions.

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Fun Fact! The human attention span is shorter than that of goldfish

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Fun Fact! Throughout the comic books, Superman dies several times.

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We spend 30% of our time fantasizing.

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Fun Fact! The Date of the Release of iPhone

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Fun Fact but Seriously! Russians are taught not to smile.

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Fun Fact! Men listen to women only for six minutes

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Fun Fact! Some people even celebrate New Year's Eve in red underpants.

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Fun Fact! You can even bathe in the coffee!

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When you are chilly, shivering helps you lose weight.

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Communication with friends is good for men's health.

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In space, it is impossible to burp.

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Fun Fact! Moldova is the second booziest nation on Earth

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Fun Fact! Forgetting makes you intelligent.

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Why is there so much hype for the iPhone?

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On a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet, the earliest "your mom" joke was uncovered.

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Fun Fact! There is a Museum of Haunted dolls