river in sea, river in ocean, ocean river

Fun Fact! It’s possible to find rivers and lakes beneath the ocean.

river in sea, river in ocean, ocean river

Rivers and lakes can be found beneath the ocean. When salt water and hydrogen sulphide combine, it becomes denser than the surrounding water, forming a lake or river that flows beneath the sea.

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Fun Fact! Hitler Refused to Use Biological Weapons During the Battle

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Fun Fact! The picture of the world we see is artificial.

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Fun Fact! A 17-year-old created the present United States flag.

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Fun Fact! Apples in grocery stores can be a year old

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Fun Fact! The UAE is home to the world's largest picture frame!

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The 29th of May has been designated as "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day."

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Did you Know? Sech Kies is the longest running idol group in South Korea

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Fun Fact! Greece wasn't officially known as Greece!

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Fun Fact! There is Life beneath the ocean bed

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Fun Fact! Madagascar wasn’t even discovered until 500AD

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Fun Fact! There is a real town with only one person.

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Fun Fact! Cambodia’s flag is the only one in the world to feature a building

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Fun Fact! Malaysia has the world’s largest cave chamber

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Fun Fact! Cambodia is the home to the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia

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Fun Fact! During World War II, the Nazis came dangerously close to developing Plutonium, but used by America!

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Fact! The History of Korean Popular Music can be traced back to 1885.

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Fun Fact! In Chile, You Can Find The Driest Place On Earth, The Atacama Desert

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Fun Fact! The Assassin's Creed franchise was started by an accident

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Fun Fact! In Japan, there are anti-ninja floors.

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Fun Fact! China has peculiar table etiquette.

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Fun Fact! Kosovo is Europe's youngest country.

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Fun Fact! New Year's Eve owes a lot to the Romans.

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Fun Fact! Estonia is home to one of Europe's oldest pharmacies.