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Fun Fact! Malaysia has the world’s largest cave chamber

malaysia, malaysia facts, facts about malaysia, malaysian facts, facts about malaysians, malaysian c

Malaysia is home to the world's biggest cave chamber. The Sarawak Chamber at Gunung Mulu National Park is enormous, with enough capacity for 40-50 Boeing 747s. It's another matter if you could actually park these jets in the Sarawak Chamber...

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Fun Fact! It is Far Better to Face the Bullets in the First World War...

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Fun Fact! Chocolate was consumed as a drink rather than a bar

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Fun Fact! Kites can be used in science experiments.

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Fun Fact! Potatoes can absorb and reflect wifi signals.

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Fun Fact! It’s possible to find rivers and lakes beneath the ocean.

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Fun Fact! There Is a Place Called "Batman"

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