One of the most enjoyable aspects of being a human being is amassing a wide range of random information and trivia during our life. Random fun facts might help you break the ice, wow a date, or win a pub quiz. But you don't have to need these small morsels of mind-blowing information to find them interesting. Reading these completely odd facts about science, history, cuisine, celebrities, your body, the universe, and more will make your mouth drop at least once. And here are some more outlandish fun facts.


Cherophobia is the unreasonable dread of having fun or being happy.

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Fun Fact! The majority of Koreans do not have armpit odour.

Hawaiian pizza, Hawaiian pizza facts, Hawaiian pizza origin, pineapple pizza, pineapple pizza facts

Fun Fact! Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada.

snake nose, snakes tongue, snakes facts

Fun Fact! Earthquakes can be predicted by snakes.

Sharp knives, dull blades, Sharp knives safety

Fun Fact! Sharp knives are more dangerous than dull blades.

birth, Women, child birth

Fun Fact! Women can have children after they die.

bang head on wall, wall banging

Fun Fact! One hour of banging your skull against a wall burns 150 calories.

Ice cravings, iron deficiency

Fun yet Serious Fact! Ice cravings are a sign of iron insufficiency.

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Fun Fact! The brain actually feels rejection as a physical pain.

habit, facts about habit, making habits, fun habits, facts about humans

Did you Know? It takes a person 66 days to form a habit

people, friends, number of friends, relationship, relationship facts

Did you Know? We can only be close up to 150 people.

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Fun Fact! You are more creative when you are tired.

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Fun Fact! We don't predict our reactions for future events very well.

multi tasking, multi tasking facts, multi tasking myth, multi tasking fact

Myth Busted! Fact! Humans can't multitask!

decisions, decision making, subconscious mind

Fun Fact! Most of our decisions are made subconciously.

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Thinking in a foreign language can help us to take better decisions.

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Fun Fact! People will go to great lengths to obey an authority figure.

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Fun but a Fact! We attribute outside forces for our own failures but blame others for their misfortunes.

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"I love you" has a more emotional effect when it is whispered into the left year.

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Fun Fact! Male babies can get erections in the womb.

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People tend to look for the things that conform the things they already believe.

boys facts, facts about boys, facts about men, men facts,

Fun Fact! Boys are more likely to be heuristic learners than girls.

boys facts, facts about boys, facts about men, men facts,

Fun Fact! Brains of Boys are designed by different architects.

boys facts, facts about boys, facts about men, men facts,

Did you Know? Boys are more likely to be visual learners.

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Did you Know? Women prefer style over comfort

women facts, women sleep, women sleep need, women fact, facts about women , women drinks, women alco

Fun Fact! Female Body has lower resistance to alcohol.

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Fun Fact! Women hate taking risks.