The world (indeed, the cosmos) is a strange, bizarre, and intriguing place. We've got interesting facts galore, about cuisine, animals, geography, famous people and inventions, and everything in between. And, while these facts are unique and cool, if they aren't strange enough for you, we have many more unusual facts. If you're searching for a few (or more) nuggets of odd information to share with your pals or improve your own armory of knowledge.

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Interestingly! The Sahara desert takes up quite a bit of space

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Did you Know? Algeria is the home of the endangered Saharan cheetah

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Did you Know? Chile Has One Of The Longest Coastlines In The World

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Did you Know? Greece is the biggest producer of Olives

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Fun Fact! Democracy was born in Greece

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Fun Fact! Papua New Guinea has 5% of global biodiversity

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Interestingly! Spain boasts 47 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

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Fun Fact! Spain is a very sunny country

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Interestingly! Mumbai was the first one to start a bus service in India

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Fun Fact! World’s most expensive house is in Mumbai

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Did you Know? The Bandra-Worli Sea Link is made up of cement and steel wire equal to the girth of the earth

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We all know that Mumbai was called Bombay earlier, but you know why?

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Did you Know? The EU’s second-largest country is...

mumbai, mumbai facts, facts about mumbai, mumbai fact, mumbai history, first in india, bombay, bomba

Did you Know? India’s first ever train ran between Mumbai and Thane

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Fun Fact! Moldova is the second booziest nation on Earth

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Interestingly! Moldova has a critically endangered language

moldova, moldova facts, moldova country, moldova fact, moldova europe

Did you Know? There are some magnificent monasteries in Moldova

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Interestingly! Indian Constitution is Handwritten.

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Did you Know? BR Ambedkar was unhappy with the constitution

constitution, constitution upsc, upsc polity, facts about constitution, constitution facts, fun fact

Did you Know? Indian Constitution is a living document

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Amazingly! Yoga plays an important role in Hinduism.

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Hinduism is the only religion that does not involve the conversion.

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Did you Know? Hinduism believes in Karma.

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Interestingly! 108 is considered as a sacred number in Hinduism.