1. The pandemic ended the freedom of people in many ways and now it’s ending their careers. People are not able to handle the stress caused by work from home and leaving their jobs.

2. A new study has revealed that this stress is resulting in people actually experiencing career fatigue at the age of just 32 years.

3. The survey reveals that people are experiencing burnout at the age of 32 on average. Oddly enough, this average used to barely surface around 35 and peak at the age of 50.

4. The survey reveals that 59 percent of people who responded to the survey revealed that they’re now giving more hours to their company than before, as the already faint line between work and home has vanished.

5. Moreover, one in three people feel the cause of their exhaustion is the whole work-from-home paradigm shift.

6. 31 percent of people revealed that they were being forced to work for hours at night. 27 percent of people missed talking to their colleagues at work and socializing with them in person.

7. 39 percent of people feel their exhaustion is linked to not having enough days off, whereas 47 percent of people feel that they are constantly on, even when the day ends.

8. All this has caused nearly half of the people from the survey to quit their jobs entirely.