Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

According to poll after survey, parents are more inclined to educate their sons essential breadwinning skills such as credit building and investing their money.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Girls, on the other hand, are more likely to be taught how to track and budget their spending. According to a GiftCards.com poll conducted in the United States, girls receive less money from their parents, whereas boys in high school and primary school receive around twenty dollars more on Christmas, three dollars more for chore completion, and one dollar more for allowance.

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The Original ‘Toothbrush’ Was a Stick

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It is the world's first country to have a female prime minister.

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Cancer-fighting qualities

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Home births are still popular in the Netherlands

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The Kingdom of Pagan in Myanmar


Cholesterol level is determined by liver.

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Did you Know? Some massive objects can make gravitational waves.

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The summer is the period of the year when most births occur.

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Did you Know? Many, including Lisa Kudrow thought Chandler was actually a Gay.

the plank.

They did not actually force people to walk the plank.

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In Budapest, there is a cave church.