Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

Making something with crochet can make idle time into useful time.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

We watch television far too much as a culture. Unless you are watching something educational or spending quality family time when everyone is too exhausted to do anything else, relaxing is typically a complete waste of time. However, there is no more wasted time if you crochet. I finished most of my projects while watching television, and each time I did so, I felt accomplished. Now you can look back on your Netflix binge with pride and WITHOUT feeling like a sleuth!

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Anxiety And Depression Are Linked

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Did you Know? The first motion picture camera was called the kinetoscope.

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Did you Know? Botox removes a person's ability to feel emotions.


Is it environmentally friendly?

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To assist sailors, time balls were devised.


Tulsi is Effective in Gastrointestinal Disorders

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The Coconut emblem


Motivation is provided via vision boards.


Is it true that an iguana has three eyes?

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Rose is US's national flower.

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Did you Know? Russia has the world's longest railway.


When you cook lobsters, they don't scream in pain.

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Did you Know? Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions


Silk is naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic.

Largest Pyramid

Mexico is home to the World's Largest Pyramid.

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Preamblem of Indian Constitusion was inspired by US.

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The Gala was not always held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Budapest, synagogue, Jewish temple, Europe

Budapest is home to the continent's oldest metro line.

olive oil

Olive oil contains fatty acids as well as vitamins A and E

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Why are centrifuges required in the production of plant-based milk alternatives?

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Hornets were utilised as a weapon of war by the Mayans.


Blood is required for fingernail survival.


Lobsters use their legs to taste.

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Did you Know? Red Ink is a bad sign in Korea