pirates, eyepatch, fixtional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

There were also female pirates.

pirates, eyepatch, fixtional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

Being a pirate was not limited to men. Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Grace O'Malley, and Ching Shih are examples of famous female pirates.

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Did you Know? Dr. Sesus wrote "Green Eggs and Ham" after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than 50 words.

Blood Purification

Blood Purification and Insect Bites

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Collagen helps to firm your skin.

the plank.

They did not actually force people to walk the plank.

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The Mariana Trench has been visited by more people than the moon.

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In Florida, what is a flatfish?

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Dry skin may become flaky and pale in the heat

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Chocolate can help in preventing tooth decay.

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Einstein Galileo  relativity

Long before Einstein, Galileo wrote about relativity.