Red hair

Red hair is thicker than hair of other colours.

Red hair

Red hair has stronger strands than other colours, which compensates for the fact that redheads have less hair. They have 90,000 strands on average, whereas blondes have 110,000 and brunettes have 140,000.

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Redheads may adjust their body temperature more quickly.

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A Flounder is a kind of fish.



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The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.

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Grog was the pirate's preferred beverage.


The Dutch invented gin

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The Panther Is a Stealthy Predator

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Fill your heart, not your mind.

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Did you Know? Dracula Was Inspired By A Nightmare.

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Amaltas treats diarrhea

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The locals had Hollywood grins.


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Empire Strikes Back revealed Boba Fett's face.

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Did you Know? Nail Paint was once used for a class ranking!

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.

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the famous petra tresury is actually a graveyard

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Yoga can aid in the treatment of insomnia.

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