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Scholars Aren’t Completely Sure What The Incas Used Machu Picchu For

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman

Because the Incas lacked a writing system, there are no written records of the people who lived there. Most archaeologists assume it was created as a royal estate by Emperor Pachacuti. Some believe it was a refuge for the Inca empire's high-ranking religious leaders and academics.

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Moisturizers can aid in wrinkle reduction.

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What is the most fascinating aspect of psychology?

Sea Lampreys

Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.

Bullet Time The Matrix.

The classic "Bullet Time" effect was designed specifically for The Matrix.


Lobsters use their stomachs to chew and their legs to taste.


Germany Loves Castles

Sweden, norway

Donald Duck is more well-known than Mickey Mouse.