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Fun Fact! Some colors are only good in small doses.

color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, pink facts, pink color, colors

Although yellow is widely regarded as a mood-enhancing colour, it is not recommended as a primary colour scheme. According to studies, rooms with too much yellow may cause people to lose their tempers more easily.

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Fun Fact! Spartan women controlled the majority of the land and riches in the city-state.

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Funny right? There Will Be No Whining About Monday Morning Blues!

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U.S. Chess Master Bobby Fischer was issued an arrest warrant for playing a chess march in Yugoslavia.

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Fun Fact! Estonia is home to one of Europe's oldest pharmacies.

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Fun Fact! Potatoes can absorb and reflect wifi signals.

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Fun Fact! The first astronomers to track Jupiter were Babylonians

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Fun Fact! Nearly half the zippers worldwide are made in Japan

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Fun Fact! Chocolate was consumed as a drink rather than a bar

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Did you Know? Sech Kies is the longest running idol group in South Korea

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Did you Know? There is ice cream in Japan that does not melt.

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Where the Wild Things Are was originally titled as Where the Wild Horses Are...

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Fun Fact! Myanmar celebrates water festival

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Fun Fact! Cambodia’s flag is the only one in the world to feature a building

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Fun Fact! Apples in grocery stores can be a year old

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Fun Fact! There is a reason why cocoa is roasted

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Sony inadvertently sold 700,000 camcorders that could see through people's clothing in 1998.

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The continent of Europe is named after a Phoenician princess.

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Did you Know? In Korea, Age comes before anything.