disney facts, disney fact, disney, cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella facts, cinderella shoes

Disney Fact! Cinderella loses her shoes not only once but three times in the original film.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella facts, cinderella shoes

First, she misplaces her shoe while delivering breakfast trays. She then misplaces her glass slipper while fleeing the ball. Finally, on her wedding day, her shoe falls off.

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Following his presidency, George Washington established a whiskey distillery.

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Fact! Crackers can give you cavities faster than the candies

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Martin Luther King, Jr. and Anne Frank were both born in the same year.

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Did you Know? The United Arab Emirates is home to the world's first seven-star hotel.

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Chocolate bars were not the first chocolate treat.

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In Uzbekistan, there is a formal protocol for pouring tea

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There’s An Intergovernmental Arctic Forum.

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Uzbekistan contains UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Mesopotamia was one of the first civilization where writing was invented.

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