black sea, black sea facts, facts about black sea, fun facts about black sea, black sea fun facts

Interestingly! Black Sea is an earthquake hot zone

black sea, black sea facts, facts about black sea, fun facts about black sea, black sea fun facts

It's an earthquake hazard area. Although several earthquakes have been reported in and around the Black Sea, the greatest recorded magnitude was 7.2 in the 1901 Black Sea earthquake (also known as the Balchik earthquake in Bulgaria). The mainshock triggered a 1-16 foot tsunami, wreaking havoc on the Romanian and Bulgarian shores. The aftershocks continued four years longer.

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Come to Myanmar for a cultural experience!

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Uzbekistan is home to the world's largest open-pit gold mine

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Fun Fact! Not all oranges are orange.

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In 1927, Santa Claus was granted an official pilot's license.

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Adolf Hitler received a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.


Pangrams are sentences that contain every Alphabet

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Did you Know? Russia has a long tradition of folk dancing.

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The first digital computer was programmed by a group of six women.

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The terracotta army is described as "the Eighth Wonder of the World".

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The number four is extremely unlucky

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Following his presidency, George Washington established a whiskey distillery.

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New York is the birthplace of LGBTQ and American Rights.

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There’s An Intergovernmental Arctic Forum.

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Disney Fact! The original drawings of Snow White were created by the same artists behind Betty Boop.

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"In Search of Lost Time" is the Longest Novel ever Created

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Interestingly! Poland has one of the world’s oldest salt mines

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Parisians declined Tom Cruise’s request for becoming an honorary citizen

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Some argue with the popular contention that the bombs ended World War Two

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Interestingly! Moldova has a critically endangered language

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The phrase "OMG" was first used in writing in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill.

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Did you Know? The tem 'Housewarming Party' comes from a literal tradition that used to occur before electricity.

KFC Japan

The traditional Christmas Eve meal is KFC