1. The idea of Netflix popped in the head of CEO Reed Hastings when he rented movies and kept forgetting to return them piling up huge rent. In fact, it is using this story that Netflix was introduced in the beginning.

2. Working in Netflix comes with many perks other good salary and many holidays, every employee gets a free Netflix membership that is one to sway a candidate.

3. Have you ever thought how large Netflix’s content gallery is? It has one Petabyte of content which is equivalent to 1024 Terabyte.

4. Netflix has over 58 warehouses where they store a number of disks. Their location is unknown and they are always disguised since the number of disks in them is worth millions of dollars.

5. During its peak times between 9 pm and midnight, Netflix accounts for 33% of North Americans downstream traffic – that is a lot of downloading!

6. Netflix outranks every TV network – while that is bad news for TV, streaming services can heave a sigh of relief.

7. The first Netflix film ever was Example Show which was an 11-minute test run and was not really meant for the viewers.