Amazing Facts About Human Body

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The Longest someone has gone without sleep is 11 days and 25 minutes

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Did you Know? Men and Women see red color differently

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Fun Fact! Red is the first color a baby sees

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Did you Know? Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine

reading, reading facts, reading habit, reading fact, habitual reading, speed reading

Fast Reading Helps to Protect the Eyes

love facts, love, love facts

People At The Same Level Of Attractiveness Are More Likely To End Up Together

reading, reading facts, reading habit, reading fact, habitual reading

Did you Know? Habitual Reading Makes You Kinder

language, language facts, language evolution

Did you Know? Language is thought to have originated circa 100,000 BC.

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Reading can help in the prevention of Alzheimers

sleep deprivation, nightmares, dinner nightmares, fun facts, did you know facts

There are many sleep specific words that are most probably heard by nobody

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Singing can help to get rid of stress

sweat, sweat facts, sweaty man, sweat fact

Finally We know... So this is why you sweat so much.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts,

Did you Know? Our bodies are quite similar.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts,

Your skeleton is completely soaked.

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Fun Fact! Your sneeze is really strong.

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You now have three kidneys as a result of a kidney transplant.

sleep deprivation, nightmares, dinner nightmares, fun facts, did you know facts

Sleep Struggles are not just a human problem

menstrual pain, mens menstrual pain

Fact! There is such a thing as male PMS. Premenstrual syndrome

creative writing, athletics, brain function

Creative Writing is similar to professional athletics.

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In space, it is impossible to burp.

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Razor blades may be dissolved in the human stomach.

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Being agitated aids with weight loss.

introverts, introverts facts, introverts writer, creative writers

Did you Know? Introverts make the best writers

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Too Much of Yoga Can Cause Injuries

brain facts, brain, brain fact, left side brain, right side brain, creative brain

Creative writers don’t have a dominant brain hemisphere

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Did you Know? Music can help you exercise better

brown sugar, sugar, brown sugar fact, sugar vs brown sugar, brown sugar facts

Brown sugar is NOT better for you than white sugar.