Amazing Facts Of The World

swiss, american, american cheese, swiss cheese

Fact! Processed cheese is an invention of Switzerland not in America.

Honey, honey facts, honey life, honey bacteria, honey facts

Did you Know? Honey will never ever go bad.

bananas, berries, strawberries, facts, fun facts, bananas facts, berries facts, strawberries facts

Did you Know? Technically, bananas are berries and strawberries are not!

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

Did you Know? World record for birthday candles stands at over 70,000.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

Did you Know? Birthday cakes aren't just for humans.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

Did you Know? Before birthday cake candles, candles on the cakes were saved for the goddesses on moon.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

Did you Know? UK spend about $1 million every day on cakes.

friends, friends sitcom, friends show, ross, rachel, joey, monica, chandler, phoebe, friends facts,

The role of Ross Geller in FRIENDS was actually written for David Schiwmmer

disney facts, disney fact, disney belle facts, Princess and the Frog, Princess and the Frog facts, d

Did you know? Because of Tiana, about 50 children were admitted to the hospital.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, disney princess, disney princess facts, disney princess reality,

Did you Know? Disney Princesses speak less than their male counterparts.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, disney princess, disney snow white, snow white, snow white facts,

Did you Know? Disney Princesses don't make eye contact with each other.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, walk disney, mulan facts, mulan fact, china doll

Did you know? Mulan was originally supposed to be a movie called, China Doll.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, disney princess, disney snow white, snow white, snow white facts,

Disney Fact! The original drawings of Snow White were created by the same artists behind Betty Boop.

disney facts, disney fact, disney belle facts, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and Beast, Beauty and Be

Did you Know? Belle preferred beast in his animal form rather than in human form.

disney facts, disney fact, disney belle facts, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and Beast, Beauty and Be

Did you know? Belle is the only person in her town who wears Blue

disney facts, disney fact, disney, cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella facts, cinderella shoes

Disney Fact! Cinderella loses her shoes not only once but three times in the original film.

Hitler facts, Hitler bio, adolf Hitler, world war facts, german facts, nobel prize facts, hitler nep

Hitler's nephew published an essay criticizing the dictator, then traveled to the United States and joined the Navy to oppose his uncle.

world war 1, world war 1 france, world war 1 facts, world war 1 medicine, plastic surgeries

World War I saw pioneering advancement in modern medicine

world war 1, world war 1 uk, world war 1 facts, world war 1 fact, world war 1 tanks

Tanks were developed by the Britishers during the first world war

Guinness World Record, biggest snowflake,

Did you Know? The biggest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches across.

OMG, omg, omg facts, omg word, first omg, winston churchill, churchill facts

The phrase "OMG" was first used in writing in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill.

Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and Beast, Beauty and Beast facts, Beauty and Beast disney, disney fact

The story of Beauty and the Beast was developed to aid young girls accept arranged marriages.

bacon, bacon facts, bacon saltiness

The saltiness of bacon isn't natural; it's the result of curing and brining.

aliens, aliens facts

Did you Know? We may have previously had contact with aliens.

moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts, moon facts, moon origin,

More humanity may be buried on the moon in the future.

space, space facts, space fact, fun facts, fun facts space, moon, moon facts, un facts,  earth facts

The moon formed as a consequence of cosmic debris colliding with Earth.

Washington, george Washington, george Washington whiskey, Washington whiskey,

Following his presidency, George Washington established a whiskey distillery.