Hitler facts, Hitler bio, adolf Hitler, world war facts, german facts, nobel prize facts, hitler nep

Hitler's nephew published an essay criticizing the dictator, then traveled to the United States and joined the Navy to oppose his uncle.

Hitler facts, Hitler bio, adolf Hitler, world war facts, german facts, nobel prize facts, hitler nep

William "Willy" Patrick Hitler, Adolf Hitler's half-brother, was born in Liverpool to a British mother and a German father. Willy wrote an essay in Look magazine titled "Why I Hate My Uncle" when Anglo-German ties began to deteriorate as a result of his uncle's flamboyance. As the war broke out, he relocated his family to the United States, where he attempted to enroll in the United States Navy but was denied. After the Japanese destroyed Pearl Harbor, Franklin D. Roosevelt reconsidered Willy's application and ultimately authorized him to fight the Nazis.

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Interestingly! It's called Lake Superior for a reason.

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Mexico's presidential residence is 14 times larger than the White House and officially welcomed tourists in 2018.

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Did you Know? The biggest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches across.

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North Sentinel Island is home to one of the most isolated paleolithic tribes of the world

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