disney facts, disney fact, disney, disney princess, disney snow white, snow white, snow white facts,

Disney Fact! The original drawings of Snow White were created by the same artists behind Betty Boop.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, disney princess, disney snow white, snow white, snow white facts,

Snow White was originally drawn with big red lips, long lashes, and a shorter dress by the animators. Walt Disney, on the other hand, wanted Snow White to appear more "wholesome" (to be fair, she was 14 at the time) and chose more subdued features and a peasant-style dress.

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The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were based on very different designs

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It’s good manners to slurp your noodles in Japan

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Did you Know? The United Arab Emirates is neither a monarchy nor a republic.

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Queen is never traveling without her personal bag of blood.

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Uzbekistan is home to the world's largest open-pit gold mine

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Some argue with the popular contention that the bombs ended World War Two

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The number four is extremely unlucky

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There are 2,700 languages with over 7,000 individual dialects spoken around the world today.

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Interestingly! Black Sea is an earthquake hot zone

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Everyone has their own seal

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Did you Know? Dracula Was Almost Called The Un-Dead.