Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu

Angkor's ancient ruins are far larger than you believe.

Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu

While Angkor Wat is the largest religious complex in the world, the temple ruins cover an area of more than 500 acres - over 50 times the size of Machu Picchu!

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"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."

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The moon is covered in mirrors.

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Toners are essential, particularly in the summer because they prepare your skin for moisturization

Gengis Khan

What contributed to Gengis Khan's demise?

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Only 2.3% of the Taiwanese population is native

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Scientists can turn the remains of a loved one into a diamond.

convertibles, romantic, herald, Indians, travel, decades, numerous, roadways

Did you know.... India received its first convertible.

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Beneficial for Diabetics

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Not all Buddhists practise vegetarianism.

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Did you Know? All eggs are hormone free.

marie curie

Did you Know? The notes of Marie Curie are still radioactive.

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Did you Know? Hawaii is the only American state that grows coffee.

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Whoever it was, they left the job quickly.

Silver linings

Silver linings protect blueberries from harm.

Dust mites

Dust mites cannot be avoided.

Spoiler Expert Netflix

A Spoiler Expert was once hired by Netflix.

panorama shot, panorama shot facts

Did you Know? Panorama shot was developed in 1987


Does this resemble niacin in any way?


Foreigners make up 25% of switzerland's population

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Did you Know? Genghis Khan is Mongolia’s founding father

Spider silk

Spider silk is liquid