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Did you Know? Birthday cakes aren't just for humans.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

We wouldn't want our four-legged friends to miss out on the excitement of a birthday cake, and they no longer have to! Special birthday cakes for pets are now available, with options for dogs, cats, and even hamsters.

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To match the brightness of the sun, around 400,000 moons would be required.

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We share 98% of our DNA with Gorillas.

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Instead of glowing white, some fireflies have blue illumination.

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Mark antony bring egyption sand turkey to cover an entire beach for cleaopatra

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The concept of multitasking does not exist.

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Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

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The Two Least Profitable Films Both Take Place on Mars

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Snake Plants

Snake Plants Are Simple To Maintain

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Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban


The probiotics industry is enormous.

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In Hong Kong, the magical technique of Feng Shui is still widely practised.


70% Of Our Immune Response Is Due To Probiotics


Beluga whales have a low dorsal ridge but no dorsal fins.


Mangoes are of huge importance for Buddhists.

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Urban Dictionary profits from its status as a slang haven.