pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

In London, England, pencil sales increased by 700% in 2008.

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

Due to the popularity of Sudoku puzzles in 2008, pencil sales in London increased significantly.

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Cancer can be detected by pigeons.

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Marie Curie is the only person to have received Nobel Prizes in two different fields.

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The confetti thrown at Times Square contains hidden messages.

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In the 1700s, Britain prohibited lipstick because it fooled males.

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Have you heard the legends of Jasy Jatere: God of the Siesta

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Omega-3-rich items made from krill are luxurious.

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When a batsman makes 100 runs without being bowled out, he is said to have scored a century.

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Nobody knows what Viking truly means.


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The Bell Jar' was originally rejected by publishers.

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The Longest someone has gone without sleep is 11 days and 25 minutes

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Because people were being buried alive so frequently, bells were connected to their coffins.

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