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Have you heard the legends of Jasy Jatere: God of the Siesta

folklore, horsemen. german, grimm, celtic, dullahan, american, headless deamon

The tale of Jasy Jatere stems from Guarani traditions in Paraguay. Parents often use the spooky story as a scare tactic to get their children to behave. Supposedly, Jasy Jatere roams the streets during siestas looking for children who would rather play than nap. Most variations depict Jasy Jatere as a child himself, with long, light-colored hair, but some say he is a small man who takes children, prisoner, before scooping their eyes out so they cannot find their way back home.

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"Employees Are Sworn To Secrecy On The Locations Of Their Warehouses. "


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The Maratha Empire's administrative centre was in Pune.

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Pirates did not always bury their loot.

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During World War I, more French troops died than in the whole history of the United States.

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The asteroid belt has never contained a planet.

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Did you Know? Nectarine means sweet like nectar.