ernestwever, charlesbray, princeton, university, cat, animal, electricity, bizarre, cochlear, implan

A live cat was once transformed into a telephone by researchers.

ernestwever, charlesbray, princeton, university, cat, animal, electricity, bizarre, cochlear, implan

Ernest Wever and Charles Bray of Princeton University removed a cat's skull and much of its brain to attach the animal to electricity. The sound of them speaking into the cat's ear could be heard via a phone receiver in another room. The bizarre experiment opened the path for advancements in cochlear implants.

Related Facts

You don't have to spend a fortune on a lotion.

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Did you Know? Blind people experience more sensory dreams.


Centipedes hunt their prey.


Ashwagandha is a centuries-old natural remedy.

anxiety, anxiety symptoms, anxiety medication, social anxiety, anxiety attack, high functioning anxi

Anxiety Often Begins In Childhood

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

Noah Webster studied 26 languages in order to write his dictionary.


Asthma Is Not All Wheezing.

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is home to the world's largest urban forest.


They have four official languages in their country.

World Cup, football

The most expensive World Cup in football history .

sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

The English language received the term "serendipity" from Sri Lanka.

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

What Is the State of Their Conservation?

Minnesota, Alaska, Lake Iliamna, United States, marine animals

There are 3 million lakes in Alaska.

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Rutilated Quartz and Lemurian Seed Crystals contain information.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.

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The worlds most famous diamond was extracted from south indian mine

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass Can Be Made from Volcanic Lava.

khajuraho, city, india, temples

Sculpture of Erotica

anime, cartoon, manga, animation, movie

For the last time...Anime is Not Cartoon!

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse wasn't created by Walt Disney.

snake plant

The Names Of The Snake Plant


beagles need regular grooming

chia seed

Chia can be beneficial to babies.

coconut, india, indonesia, philippones

Coconuts may be found anywhere.


A Swedish beverage outsells Coca-Cola.