Passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

Six months before your passport expires, renew it.

Passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

Don't gamble with your passport's expiration date before going on a trip. Some countries require your passport to be valid for at least 90 days after entry. However, to be on the safe side, you should guarantee the validity of six months - the time required by some.

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.

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It is possible that early soaps were not used for cleaning.

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On UK highways, there are about 12 million diesel vehicles.


There aren't several Inuit terms for snow.

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The debate about Afrikaans continues.

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The yeti's etymology is extremely hazy.

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Niagara Falls supplies around 20% of the drinking water in the United States.

 immune system

Our body's immune system is destroyed by antibiotics.


Indonesia is the most active region on the Pacific Ring of Fire.