hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Most Hong Kong apartment structures lack the fourth story!

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Don't be concerned if your apartment building lacks the fourth level. The number four is frequently omitted because it sounds like the word 'death' in Chinese, making it an unlucky number. The lucky number eight, on the other hand, indicates wealth.

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In India, Homi J Bhabha rose to prominence quickly.

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Spiders have unusual muscles.

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They used to go by another name.

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It is a fallacy that adults require the same quantity of vitamin D.

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Some flavors are available for a short period only.

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The name Starbucks was inspired by "Moby Dick."

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Temperature is no concern for beagles

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The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.


Indonesia consists approximately 17,504 islands.

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Did you Know? Serkis had to play King Kong twice for the same movie.


A relatively recent needlecraft is crocheting.

The Inuit

The Inuit do not kiss by rubbing their noses together.


Formula-fed babies grow more quickly.

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Did you Know? Pineapples can destroy your taste buds


You are more likely to overlook Mount Fuji.


The probiotics industry is enormous.

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persian rugs Environmentally-Friendly

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The pirates were chased out of The Bahamas by Captain Woodes Rogers.


Inuit have creative ways to get about.

Micky Mouse

Micky Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney

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Fun fact! Suicide is committed by certain cells.