panther, huge, animal, jaguar, leopard, tigers, lions, melanism, cat, antelope, deer, warthog, tapir

The Panther Is a Stealthy Predator

panther, huge, animal, jaguar, leopard, tigers, lions, melanism, cat, antelope, deer, warthog, tapir

Panthers are carnivores that usually hunt on small to medium-sized herbivores, however which species vary on the area. Antelope, deer, warthog, tapir, wild boar, rabbits, and birds are among the animals that can be eaten. There are several panther facts pertaining to this animal's strong hunting abilities. Panthers are distinguished from other large cats by their ability to remain hidden. Panthers hunt at night since they are nocturnal. Their black fur lets them to blend in with their environment, and their keen eyesight and sense of smell aid in the detection of prey.

Related Facts
algae, marine, fish, animals, water

The base of the marine food chain is algae.

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Did you Know? Could Death Note be a forgery?

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A few conspiracy ideas have proven to be correct.

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There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there

Swiss Guards

Swiss Guards protect the Pope.

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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

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Did you Know? It takes 700 gallons of water to make a cotton shirt.


Which Animal Class Does a Fairyfly Belong In?

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

The letters' shape is similar to your tongue.

oldest churches.

Turkey is home to one of Christianity's oldest churches.


One of the countries with the highest standard of living.


The orientation leaflets are arranged in one or two pinnae pairs in a bipinnate compound. Each pinna also contains 10 to 26 leaflets.

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Did you Know? Machu Picchu Is Earthquake-Proof

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are problematic.

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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory


Even though no one knows when yoghurt was discovered, the name "yoghurt" is unmistakably Turkish.


There's No Remedy for Migraines

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An astrologer seemingly predicted an attempt on Hitler's life.

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Have you heard the legends of Hukai’po?


Hindi is the fourth most widely spoken language, following English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

ice cream, ice cream invention, ice cream cone, ice cream facts

Ice-cream cone was actually invented by mistake


Heart disease accounts for one-third of all deaths.

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Withanolides are found in Ashwagandha.

sweden, norway

Forest covers more than half of Sweden.

Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho, Psycho facts, Psycho movie facts,

Did you Know? Psycho is the first U.S. movie to feature toilet flushing.