Ocean, ocean fact, ocean facts, ocean oxygen, oxygen facts, oxygen fact

The oceans create most of the oxygen on Earth.

Ocean, ocean fact, ocean facts, ocean oxygen, oxygen facts, oxygen fact

Have you ever considered where oxygen originates from? Your initial idea would be a rainforest, yet sea organisms are drawn in. Over half of the world’s oxygen is produced by plankton, seaweed, and other photosynthesizes.

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The Terracotta Army was constructed over 2,200 years ago.

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Disney Fact! The original drawings of Snow White were created by the same artists behind Betty Boop.

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Bananas contain radioactive elements.

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Mexico's presidential residence is 14 times larger than the White House and officially welcomed tourists in 2018.

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It’s good manners to slurp your noodles in Japan

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While filming Goku's Super Saiyan level 4 transformation for Dragon Ball GT, Sean Schemmel passed out.

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Terracotta army is one of the top archaeological finds of the 20th century.

Interesting facts, World War 2 facts, facts about world war 2,  Hiroshima,Nagasaki

Haunting shadows were imprinted into the ground when the atomic bomb hit Hiroshima

terracotta, qinshihuang, mausoleum, imperial, tomb, millitary, technology, arts, culture, china, arm

Over 700,000 laborers took about 40 years to complete the statues.

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The phrase "OMG" was first used in writing in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill.

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The first digital computer was programmed by a group of six women.

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Romania is the surprising birthplace of good coffee

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In Ethiopia there are Thirteen months to the year

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Did you Know? The tem 'Housewarming Party' comes from a literal tradition that used to occur before electricity.

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The anime Haikyuu!! was created to popularise volleyball, and it succeeded!

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Did you Know? Peppers can encourage proper clotting

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Did you Know? The biggest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches across.

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Come to Myanmar for a cultural experience!

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Cornell University offers a wine major.

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Fun Fact! Not all oranges are orange.