dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger

"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger

Before colour television was introduced, only 15% of people dreamt in colour. Older people dream in black and white more often than younger people.

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Dust is what dust mites eat.

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Did you Know? The Axis Powers were developing a dirty bomb.


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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

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Beneficial for heart issues

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The phrase "X-Files" refers to all of the conspiracy theory fodder that the FBI is secretly working on.

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On average, a cow produces 6.3 gallons of milk each day

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Did you Know? Some of the rocks of Black sea are at least 540 million years old

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A laser can become entangled in water.

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Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.

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Dying stars give way to astronomical black holes.


Fairyflies: Do They Make Good Pets?

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Pedigree dogs or Indian dogs?


In the previous seven decades, about 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing.


Beer Is A Food In Bavaria !

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Did you Know? The Grand Central Terminal has whispering galleries.

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Did you Know? Neon shade Nail paints are not actually legal.

The Swiss

The Swiss Wed Late

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Did you Know? Halloween is the second-most commerical American Holiday of the year.

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Ladakh is the glacier man's homeland.

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Doctor Strange from the 1970s

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Did you Know about Cisco Systems and first true iPhone?