lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

At night, moisturize.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Moisturizing isn't only for the day! After cleaning your face at night, apply moisturizer since it works better on your skin when sleeping and is not exposed to the elements.

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Lightning Has the Power to Form Glass.

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An Island Surrounded by Beautiful Waters

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Did you know.... Bill Murray is not represented by an agent.

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Is PCOS is linked to diabetes?

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Tagine Tunisienne

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Seeing you naked has no sexual connotation for your gynaecologist.

Fennel seed

Fennel seeds help to reduce gas.

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Insomnia can be inherited.

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South India is home to one of the richest temples in the world

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Making a vision board might help you become more determined.

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Did you Know? There are 170 museums in London.

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Dust mites do not bite people and are not parasites.

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Wolves do not howl at the moon.

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Where can one find Stonehenge?

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Did you Know? Russia has the world's longest railway.


Grapefruit Could Boost Your Immune System


Bhutan does not have traffic lights.

air pollution

Annual air pollution limits in London were exceeded five days into 2017.

 Richard Farnabe

Executive Chef Richard Farnabe and Alexandre Petrossian create the most costly soufflé.

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Tragic occurrences contribute to the development of conspiracy ideas.

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Laotians consume more sticky rice than any other country on the planet.