lebanon, lebanon facts, facts about lebanon,

Did you Know? Lebanon is home to many great roman ruins

lebanon, lebanon facts, facts about lebanon,

One of the greatest outside of Rome. The Baalbek Temple, also known as the Temple of Bacchus, is one of the world's best-preserved and biggest Roman temple ruins. The temple complex, which is located in the Al-biq (Bekaa Valley), was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. The temple was most likely commissioned by the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pirus in the second century AD, although there are no traces of it until the Greek takeover in the fourth century. A German Expedition unearthed two of the great temples and began repairing the site in the late nineteenth century. Then, in the 1970s the Lebanese civil war broke out and the place became a bastion for Palestinian and Syrian forces. It is now within the FCO&#

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