childran facts, prison facts, facts, jail facts

Did you Know? Reading Protects from Prison

childran facts, prison facts, facts, jail facts

According to American sociologists, children who learn to read by the age of eight have a lower chance of being imprisoned in the future. Furthermore, those children are less likely to use drugs or drop out of school. Isn't this helpful and interesting?

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It is the birthplace of cinnamon.

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International astronauts must be able to speak Russian.

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Threats Exist for Three Species.


Broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange.

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Did you Know? There are famous coffee houses named after Centeral Perk of FRIENDS


They have four official languages in their country.


Liver is the green colour in fried lobsters.


From left to right, Hindi is written in Devanagari script, which has 11 vowels and 33 consonants.


Breastfeeding mothers benefit from a small amount of formula.

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